Irish Homes

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“We are a group of companies specializing in the acquisition, refurbishment & letting of houses & apartments within the Irish Social Housing property market. We became clients of SA Faughnan in early 2021 and since then have received top class service coupled with competitive premiums and excellent insurance cover. SA Faughnan have the experience to understand our business and have been in a position to tailor insurance cover to our needs and most importantly to our exposures. The time consuming & laborious administrative task of adding newly acquired properties to the property insurance policy has been streamlined by SA Faughnan in such a way that makes it efficient for us to handle. The whole team at SA Faughnan are always available to take our calls, respond to our emails and assist with our queries. We deal with the staff on an ongoing basis and find them very professional, knowledgeable and efficient. We have placed all of our insurances now with SA Faughnan from our Property Insurances to various Liability, Contractor All Risks and Motor Fleet Insurance policies. I really appreciate SA Faughnan’s quick response to every request.”

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David HegartyHead of Research and Data Management,Irish HomesDublin