10 Tips for Builders when insuring your business

Builders All Risks Insurance

For more information about Contractors Insurance with S.A Faughnan Click Here

You’re a Builder who needs to take out Liability and All Risks insurance…..10 Tips on What you need to do and What you need to avoid doing…


Do not intentionally underestimate your employee wage roll or your annual turnover –
this will become obvious in the event of a claim


Tip 2
To cover your work and all of your tools, equipment and materials on site, make sure
you have Contractors All Risks (CAR) cover


Tip 3
Make sure you have made provision in your wage roll figures for labour only persons,
uninsured sub-contractors or agency workers


Tip 4
Never allow workmen on your site who have not produced the required Safepass


Tip 5
If you do work for Local Authorities or State / Semi-State bodies you need to ensure
your Public Liability insurance limit is at least €6.5m


Tip 6
Be aware that the cheapest quote is not always the best policy for your business – don’t
insure just to save money…be aware of restrictive or yellow pack type cover


Tip 7
Know and understand all of the cover you are getting – a Broker can explain and advise
on the extent and limitations of your cover, and the terms conditions and exceptions applying to your cover


Tip 8
If you have a related secondary occupation, make sure to disclose this to your Broker –
otherwise it’s not covered!


Tip 9
Avoid leaving work equipment, site materials and tools unsecured or in unlocked
premises – otherwise you may face a declined claim in the event of a theft


Tip 10
Do not allow your renewal date to pass without ensuring continued cover is in place
either with your current Broker or with a new company

Click here For more Information on Contractors Insurance with S.A. Faughnan

Remember, insuring your own employees on site and any visitors or contractors to the site is paramount or you could face a substantial claim for injuries against you or your business which could put you out of business overnight if you haven’t arranged adequate builder’s insurance cover!!

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